I finished this book over a week ago, but haven't been that excited to write a review, probably because the book itself was somewhat of a disappointment. I have been a John Grisham fan since high school and have read nearly every book he has ever written, but The Appeal has to be my least favorite. If I could describe this book in one word it would be SOAPBOX.
It's not that I don't agree with what he is saying, we do need campaign finance reform in this country. It would be nice to know that our elected officials are not being bought by special interest groups and were only are representing the interests of their constituents. However, if an author is going to use a fictional story as a way to express thier political beliefs, I think it should be done much more subtely. This book could have been so much better if he had only focused on the story and not the message he wanted to send. It did pick up in the last section of the book and there were some twists that I didn't see coming, but in the end Grisham just couldn't get off his soapbox and give his readers the kind of story we are used to getting from him.
My husband tried to read this book but couldn't get into it. After reading your review I think I'll just wait for the movie . . . .
AAAHHhhh...I saw this book the other day and started to get it for Hubby. He likes John Grisham too. He would also find fault with the the soapbox issue in this book. This is the first that I had heard of someone reading it - Thanks for the review. I will probably buy him the new Randy Alcorn book now instead for his birthday.
I understand about wanting to make good on your post. I feel that pressure all the time. When I do something that seems to strike a chord with folks, there is a certain pressure there to do just as well the next time. But I am only human and an extremely limited one at that.
I love day in the life posts. Something funny a child says. How I felt during a conversation with someone. You will come up with something that is all you!
The ducks are the WORLD FAMOUS (um, not so much) Peabody Hotel Ducks of Memphis, TN. Every day at 11:00 they ride the elevator down from the top floor and march down the red carpet to the fountain. At 5:00 the carpet is rolled back out and they march back to the elevator, and ride back up to their Duck Palace. VERY COOL and draws a huge crowd
daily. If you ever plan a trip to Memphis, let me know. We love that city and I could tell you some of the things to find and do. Be blessed Melissa, and it is always good to hear from you. I check in often, by the way, to see what you are up to!
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