Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Isn't the snow beautiful?...Now get this winter over with!

It has been snowing here on and off since Monday, which means we probably have about a foot of accumalated snow. Winters in the Inland Northwest are hard for me. Even though I only lived in California for two years, I think I am much more suited to that sort of climate. I am trying to make the best of it though. Today, I bundled up the kids and put JoyBaby in her little toboggan and we went for a walk in the snow. There is a "park" nearby (really just a large median) where ImagiKid and I had a snowball fight and made snow angels. When we got home I asked him if he had fun throwing snowballs at me and he said, "yeah, that was wicked!" Where does a four-year-old learn a word like that? My guess is from his uncle. Anyway, besides playing in the snow I am using all my best ideas for keeping kids entertained indoors. Here are a few:

Perler Beads
My son has been obsessed with these lately and they can keep him entertained for hours. The only drawback is what to do with all the little plastic shapes afterwards. If you iron them for a long time sometimes they can be flat enough to use as a bookmark.

Collapseable forts & tunnels
These have been a big hit with my son and his older cousins for years and now even JoyBaby likes to crawl around in them. Ours was a gift, but I would consider it a good investment. We have gotten so much use out them, plus they can be folded down and fit into about a 2'x2' bag or stored flat under a bed.

3) Books on CD
ImagiKid especially likes the
Curious George collection right now. Yesterday, I swear he spent about two hours listening to them.

4) Games
Operation and Uno are favorites around here lately. They seem to be good for both preschoolers and elementary kids, as ImagiKid had lots of fun playing both with his older cousins who are seven and nine-years-old.

5) Baking
I am not much into baking, but even I can handle a muffin mix. ImagiKid is at an age where he is actually very helpful and even though JoyBaby can't really help yet, she loves the finished product. Hint: use an icescream scooper to put the batter in the muffin cups and you will get perfectly proportioned muffins (I read this somewhere, but wish I could claim it as my own).

If anyone has any great ideas, please share them! It is only January and I just might lose my mind before spring!


Anonymous said...

Have you seen shrinky dinks making a comeback. I think it is supposed to snow here next week. But for now all the old snow is gone. And the temp is in the 50-60's. Wish I felt like I had the energy to take the kiddos to the park. Oh we also got snap beads at the bday party and those seem to make for hours of play here.

Liz Pakkala said...

We are totally enjoying the 'Curious George' collection as well. You can make Homemade play dough!

1. Combine 1 cup flour, 1/2 cup salt, 2 tablespoons cream of tartar, 1 cup water,1 tablespoon vegetable oil, food coloring

Combine all ingredients in a pot. Cook over low to medium heat for approx. 10 mins, or until smooth. Stir while cooking.

Add a few drops of food coloring after everything is mixed together well. Good luck!