Thursday, May 1, 2008

A Thursday Meme

7 Randon Things About Me:
1) I recently started working from home, about 5 hours a week, for my husband's moving company. I handle claims, which means when someone's furniture or property gets damaged during their move, I try to make it right again. People either love me (because their stuff get fixed) or hate me (because I have to deny their claim).
2) I often have feelings of being a bad mom, but then I look at my kids and see how happy they are most of the time. I have to say to myself, "extend some grace to yourself, you are not perfect, but you are doing a pretty good job."
3) I have a new nephew!! He was born a week and a half ago. I have not seen him yet, other than pictures. I am waiting to go make a visit until the new parents get settled a little.
4) I am a die hard ER fan. I think I started watching around 2003. Then after I had my son, I started watching all the reruns on TNT while I was stuck to the couch nursing my little guy around the clock. I think I have seen every episode ever made.
5) I have a really great husband. He is super busy with work, but still makes time to spend with the kids and me and has sacrificed his own hobbies to do so. He is very supportive of almost anything I do, and after 12 years of being together, he still makes me feel beautiful.
6) I have a fear of fire, particularly that my house will catch on fire while my family is sleeping in their beds. I know the root of this fear--my aunt and uncle's home burned to the ground when I was about eight. They got out okay, but some of their animals did not. I remember watching the story on the news. Still, knowing the root of my fear, does not make it go away. Maybe I should be hypnotized or something.
7) Housework is the bane of my existence. I envy people who actually seem to enjoy cleaning or have some motivation that has escaped me.
I think I have a pretty random list there. Now the hard part, tagging 7 more people. This is especially hard since I haven't been a very goody bloggy friend lately (see number 1 above) and don't want to just pop onto someone's blog and tag them after not having visited for awhile. So, I will just say if you are reading this, you are tagged. If you don't have a blog, leave a list in the comments (it doesn't have to be as detailed as mine) or post them on your myspace page.

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