Friday, May 23, 2008


Do you ever wonder, why do people choose to procreate when it means their entire life is going to become about somone else and their needs? Is it a biological drive embedded in our dna to continue the species? Are we trying to show our parents the "right" way to raise children? Is it the ideal of the perfect little American family?

I'm sure it is a little bit of a variety of reason for everyone, but for me the biggest reason is to be able to see the world anew again, through the eyes of my children and to find joy in the smallest of things. The other morning I was driving my son to preschool and he said, "Mommy, look! It's a school bus!" And strangely, I could feel his excitement at seeing a school bus, the most oridnary of things. Then there are the questions he constantly asks that challenge me everyday to think about the how and why of things that I would normally just take for granted. If my son brings wonder and amazement into my life, then my daughter brings joy and laughter. Everytime she hears music, she has to dance and she gets tickled at the slighest things and lets out these big belly laughs. My children remind me that there is more to life than getting things accomplished or running from here to there. They teach me how to enoy it.
The picture is an old one, taken shortly after my daughter's birth.


Liz said...

Ain't being a mom great! I found joy in ice cream drips this afternoon...

village mama said...

What a beautiful, tender picture.

Great question...I have always loved children, their joy, their laughter, their sense of awe, their unconditional love. I knew I wanted to experience it, and what a gift our two are.

ps Thank you so much for commenting today; I'm touched that I inspire you -- I who BBQd frozen burgers TWICE this week ;-)