Monday, November 10, 2008

Unattended Child In Cars Laws

After I finished my post last night, I went and read up on "unattended kids in cars" laws to see what might have happened to me if the aforementioned busybody actually used the cell phone she was wielding threateningly (okay, just holding in her hand). The laws in Washington state that a child under 16 years of age may not be left in a running car and a child under 12 years of age may not be left in an unattended car in front of a tavern or other establishment that serves liquor. So I would have been safe had the police been called seeing as I didn't leave the car running nor was I drinking my lunch. Washington's laws seem to me the most lenient out of all the fourteen states that have such laws on the books, but I think that I would have actually been okay in any state since my children weren't technically unattended since I could see them out the window of the restaurant. And now I will let this issue die and never speak of it again.

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