Saturday, September 27, 2008

Teaching Them the Classics

It all started with Jeff desperately wanting to spend at least part of the weekend vegging on the couch. Not an easy task with two kids heavily demanding his attention whenever he is home. His only defense was to get a movie that they could watch while snuggling with daddy on the couch and eating bowls of homemade popcorn. So mom was dispatched to the video store where I ended up buying the Goonies. Sammy was totally into it, even though he was a little scared (in a good, fun way). Abby was totally into the popcorn, so it worked out well.
About a month later, Sammy had a cousin spend the night and we decided it was time to continue our course in classic '80s movies, so it was back to the video store for The Never Ending Story. This time we blew up the air mattress for the kids (which is almost as good as having a bounce house in your living room) and made popcorn, of course. Jeff and I had a good time taking a trip down memory lane and it was good to see the kids enjoy the movie even though all the special effects were really bad. Afterwards we had a scholarly discussion about our favorite parts of the movie, which character we would want to be, etc.

Up next on our syllabus:

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