For some reason this holiday season has seemed particularly hectic. Part of it, I know, is because I'm in charge of the office party for my husband's business. I spent half an hour at the register in Wal-Mart on Tuesday while the poor clerk rang up $1200 worth of gift cards that are to be handed out to the employees at the Christmas party. Meanwhile, my son is whining that he's hungry and wants to go McDonald's, and my daughter is insisting on being held, but still continuing to fuss. I gave in and took the kids to McDonald's because I still had to drag them to another store to exchange something because I bought the wrong size. I have to say that McDonald's is evil in the way they hook kids from a very young age. JoyBaby, who is not quite 16-months, mind you, saw the little Strawberry Shortcake dolls in the display case and started pointed and saying "ooh, ooh!" So then weak mother that I am, I got her a happy meal of her own so that she could get the stupid toy that she was tired of by the time we got to the car. Speaking of being weak, I actually used "you better be nice because Santa is watching" on ImagiKid. I cringe every time I hear parents say that, because 1) do we really only want our kids to be nice so they get presents? and 2) even if they aren't nice, isn't Santa going to come anyway? I don't know any parents who really wouldn't put anything under the tree from Santa and then tell their kids it was because they didn't behave.
But I digress. Back to why I am less then jolly this year. I think part of it is because I would really like to just enjoy the season and create all kinds of great memories and traditions with my kids, but instead I'm too worried about getting everyone the right present and worrying the whole time about how much money I am spending. I also get stressed out thinking about how much stuff my kids will get from everyone and where I am going to put it all. I am hoping that tomorrow when the office party is over that all the stress will just melt away. My husband and I are planning on taking the kids to look at Christmas lights, to the Campbell House, and maybe even for a carriage ride downtown this weekend. Who knows? Maybe I will get to create some great family memories afterall (if my kids can forgive me for being such a grouch and dragging them in and out of a million stores this past week).
Some food for thought:
(a break down of how much and what Americans spent in 2006)
(what Americans plan to spend this year compared with the last 10 years)
(helpful tips on how to destress at Christmas)
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