Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Fun Fall Crafts & More Fall Pics

First, Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband, Jeff!

Now, is that not the biggest leaf you have ever seen? On Wednesdays, my son gets picked up for preschool by another co-op mom and friend of mine. When she brought him home last week, he had a fistful of these giant leaves. Apparently, my friend's mother-in-law has a tree in her yard that does not usually grow in this part of the state.

I wish I coud take credit for the idea of making the leaf man, but my friend suggested it when I was wondering out loud what we could do with Sammy's booty of leaves. We used hot glue to attach the leaves to a piece of cardboard that I had been saving forever because I knew it would come in handy for an art project someday (see, sometimes it pays to be a pack rat). We used smaller leaves for the mouth and nose and tiny pinecones for the eyes. By the way, I pulled out the hole punch to attach the yarn to hang our creation from the banister and ever since Sammy has spent a lot of time entertaining himself by punching holes in construction paper. This might be a boy thing--he used to love cutting paper up into tiny pieces and I know other moms who said their boys do the same thing.

This turkey craft is pretty self-explanatory. The key is to find a good pinecone that will sit down properly. Again, not my idea--Sammy made one in co-op last year.

These final pictures are from our last bike ride of the year. It was one of the best and most scenic rides we have ever gone on, so I guess it was good one to end on.

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